I now have the capacity to work with a few more coaching clients, so I'm offering a BOGO discount on all my coaching services, including packages and even single sessions!
If you've been wanting to work with me 1:1, this is your chance!
This BOGO offer is good through the end of this month. (You simply need to book your consult and pay by August 31st - you don't have to have your sessions by that date.)
As a Functional Health & Happiness Coach, my areas of expertise include:
helping you navigate health challenges while finding ways to feel empowered about your health & well-being. Learning how to trust yourself + behavior change techniques = magic
helping you set clear, firm boundaries that honor YOUR needs and put YOU first. This work is absolutely life-changing. Learning to lovingly assert a "no" opens the door to more "YES" for yourself.
helping you find or create meaningful work. I am especially skilled at helping budding entrepreneurs launch their ideas.
In short, I help you transform into your most authentic, badass self.
Most of my clients are women who:
are in transition, such as going through a divorce, leaving a toxic work environment, navigating life as a retiree, or finding social support as an entrepreneur
want more connection - to themselves, their bodies, other humans, their ancestors, and The Universe/God/Great Spirit (whatever term you prefer)
know they already have the answers within, but want a skilled, loving guide to help them connect to their truest desires
simply want to experience more JOY and PLEASURE (what better symbolizes pleasure than a fresh, juicy mango, right?! )
If this sounds like you, then I encourage you to set up a free, 20-minute phone consultation with me! Simply use this link to book some time for us to spend together. https://www.happinesscoachangela.com/onlinescheduling
It is truly my greatest joy to be of service.
P.S. If you have a friend, colleague, or family member who you think would benefit from my services, could you please share my link with them?
P.P.S. As your coach, I'm your biggest fan!
